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By Kathy Carlton Willis—

I wear my hair spiked up in the back in a style that sort of looks like bed-head. In fact, a lady once told me, “honey, I wake up looking like that, and I work hard to fix it.”

I told her, “Well, don’t work so hard!”

At a writer’s seminar another woman asked me, “How do you get your hair to do that?” It got me to thinking. Now here is a list of responses I can use:

How Did you Get Your Hair Like That?

  1. I slept-walked through a car wash and didn’t wake up until “buff.”
  1. A hummingbird forgot to stop flapping her wings before nesting there.
  1. I thought I was walking on the fashion runway, and a fan was blowing my hair back, but I was actually on an airport runway and the prop plane was taking off.
  1. I thought I was using hair glue to spike my hair. It was actually super glue.
  1. I reached for the hair spray, but grabbed the spray starch by mistake.
  1. My hairdresser told me to blow-dry my hair upside down. Do you know how hard it is for a 45-year-old woman to hang from the monkey bars like that?
  1. While watching cartoons, an ACME package arrived at my door. It contained a lit stick of dynamite. I lived to tell about it, but my hair will never be the same.
  1. My hairdresser said she was going to whip up a new hairstyle for me. I had no idea she would be using her Kitchen Aid!

So, after that chuckle, I can’t help but ask myself—do I live life on purpose like I do my hairstyle on purpose?

God has some great plans for me, and has gifted me with everything I need to find fulfillment in acting on that purpose. And He is excited when You live life on purpose too.

PRAYER: Father, help me not go through my day willy nilly, but with a plan to achieve excellence, that I might honor You. I don’t want my daily activities to be on accident, but I need Your sense of direction and Your strength of discipline to accomplish Your will—on purpose.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:1-2 ESV.





Kathy Carlton Willis: Kathy writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith—whimsy and wisdom. Not many funny girls also have Bible degrees! Kathy’s a pastor’s wife, which gives her plenty of opportunities to grin with grace. She shines the light on the issues that hold women back while guiding them to the truths that promise freedom. She has four books coming out in the next couple of years:Speaker to SpeakerGrin with GraceGrin with Joy, and Grin with Peace. Almost a thousand of Kathy’s articles have been published for print or Internet, in magazines, newspapers and books. She’s affiliated with several Christian writer and speaker organizations and serves as a consultant for others in the publishing industry. Kathy anticipates great things for her 50s, and is pursuing God’s goals with gusto as she dives in to this glorious decade. Learn more about Kathy at: www.kathycarltonwillis.com/


  1. 12-2-2013

    Love this! As a member of the “way too curly for prime time” club, I negotiate each morning with my hair: “Please just let me be presentable today and there will be less coiffure torture methods I must apply!” Your article challenged me to think – do I put as much emphasis, even time, every day before I get underway in planning my time with Jesus as I do on my appearance?

    • 12-2-2013

      Deb, I don’t know a woman alive who wakes up, looks in the mirror, and says, “Perfect as always…I don’t know why all the other gals work so hard!” We all seem to have hair woes. Curly. Straight. Thinning. Bald. Growing in the wrong places. We have too much, not enough, and never the right style. The cool part though…God not only knows the number of our hairs, but He knows the person inside. Glad He helps me live life on purpose, even on bad hair days!

  2. 12-2-2013

    What a fun piece and a life application on top of it! I love that God numbers the hairs on our head, wish He would get rid of the hairs that show up in other places besides my head!

    • 12-2-2013

      Thanks, Karen! I’m with you on those overachiever hairs! Puts the fairytale about the hair on my chinny-chin-chin in a whole new light!

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