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A Change of Direction

Posted by on Apr 2, 2013 in Archives, Blog, Elder Care | 5 comments

By Kathleen Brown— Where were you when your new purpose hit you? “Hit”? Well, yes. At first that’s how I felt when I found mine. Let me explain. One day I woke up and realized I was selling software. If you knew me, you’d realize how far afield I had drifted to end up in software sales. Nothing wrong with the job, of course, but God’s known me like, forever, so I’m sure He smiled the day I applied for it and then laughed out loud when I was hired. Though I disliked the work, I stayed long enough to...

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Posted by on Sep 18, 2012 in Archives, Blog, Elder Care | 1 comment

By Deb DeArmond A dear friend recently got the call. It wasn’t that call, but nonetheless, when you care for elderly parents, the call that informs you that Mom or Dad has been taken to the hospital is not a good moment. My friend rushed to her car and made the 12-hour drive to be at her father’s side. The next few days and weeks will be challenging as she contemplates the need to move him to a care facility near her home. She will need prayers, information, guidance, patience and more. It reminded me of the...

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Posted by on Sep 4, 2012 in Archives, Blog, Elder Care, Resources | 1 comment

By Deb DeArmond-   A recent late night discussion with one of my sons reminded me how things change as we grow older. “I’m really proud of you, Mom.  At this stage of life, it would be easy to slow down and cut back. You are moving ahead with some new and exciting things God’s placed on your plate. It’s awesome – and I’m praying for you.”   It made me smile. His phrase, at this stage of life, meant, as you grow older. A really polite way of pointing that out. It made me smile, too, because...

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Posted by on Aug 7, 2012 in Archives, Elder Care, Resources | 0 comments

By Deb DeArmond “Guess what I did?” Dorothea asked. “What?” I replied. “I began drawing. I didn’t even know that I could, but I began drawing and painting. I brought some cards with me that I made. I’ll let you select one.” She spread them across the cushions of the sofa for me to view. I crossed the room to look at her displayed artwork. “These are beautiful! Really amazing, Dorothea.” And they were. Beautifully drawn ink and watercolor florals of every type and color. Her smile told me she...

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Posted by on Jul 17, 2012 in Archives, Blog, Elder Care | 3 comments

By Deb DeArmond “Mom. Get up. This is crazy. It’s 2:30 in the afternoon and you’ve been in bed all day.” I was impatient with Mom’s unwillingness to get up. She wouldn’t even respond to me other than to repeat, “I’m tired. Please. Just let me sleep.” I was getting desperate. She wasn’t eating or taking her meds. She had simply withdrawn from her daily routine. I admit, it was a bit boring, but, still. She needed to get up. She wasn’t sick. Or was she? It finally dawned on me that my mother,...

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Posted by on Jul 3, 2012 in Archives, Blog, Elder Care | 6 comments

By Deb DeArmond   “I’m ashamed of you both,” my mother said. She took a sidelong glance at my dad. “Larry, she’s concerned about you. She’s afraid for your safety – and mine. And Deb, there is no reason for you to shout at your dad. It’s simply not acceptable.” She looked at me sternly, something she rarely did. “You both love one other. I want each of you to apologize right now.” She looked in my direction, clearly indicating I should go first. “Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be...

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