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So Long, Farewell…

Posted by on May 4, 2015 in Archives, Blog | 13 comments

Friends, MyPurposeNow.org will be four years old this month. The site development was a gift from Deb’s son, Cameron for Mother’s Day. It was the push we needed to move from “it’s a really good idea, to let’s do this!” The past several months have brought many changes to each of our lives. They are all positive changes and we are grateful to have the opportunity to take them on. But taking on new opportunities has meant the need to evaluate all the other commitments in our...

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Posted by on May 1, 2015 in Archives, Blog, Devotions | 3 comments

  By Ava Pennington— A friend recently posted on Facebook: “Not the happiest of days in my life. God must have bigger plans for me.” I’ve had days like that. When I didn’t get the job. When a relationship became damaged. When the medication wasn’t effective. At the end of days like these, I’ve comforted myself with the assurance that God will fix it. But what if He doesn’t? What if there isn’t a better job waiting for me? What if the relationship will never be repaired? What if the illness...

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Posted by on Apr 27, 2015 in Archives, Blog | 6 comments

By Sharon Ruff— I had no profound prayer words left to wrap around the excruciating suffering that blanketed each person on my growing prayer list. Their urgent physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs seemed to mirror the aches of humanity. So, with such a feeling of helplessness, I simply slid my fingertips gently over each name like a child learning Braille. As tears slipped down my cheeks, Oh God, have mercy, was all my heart could whisper. I felt like I was suffocating under the weight their...

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Posted by on Apr 24, 2015 in Archives, Blog, Devotions | 2 comments

  By Ava Pennington— After a severe loss, a friend told me she was done with believing in the God of the Bible. She said, “Your God is too cruel. How could I believe in a god who allows atrocities to be committed on children?” A few months later, a celebrity talk show host said she could no longer believe in the God of the Bible because he called himself a jealous God. Both of these instances caused me to examine my understanding of God…and theirs. If the source of our understanding is not what God...

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The Vitamin D of Following Jesus

Posted by on Apr 22, 2015 in Archives, Blog | 3 comments

By Kathy Carlton Willis— I’m D-termined to make the 50s my best decade yet. Not to make me better, but to be so emptied out of self that the Spirit has free reign and rein (supreme control) to work in and through me. I want to be so filled with Him that I’m not: Preoccupied and sidetracked in a way that diverts me from God’s best life for me. Troubled and bothered by the concerns and worries that destroy peace. Discouraged and dejected by the sad and depressing elements of life. Deviating from the...

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It’s a Matter of Prayer

Posted by on Apr 20, 2015 in Archives, Blog | 8 comments

By Penny A. Bragg— Do you know of a struggling marriage? More than likely you do. Satan is serving up marriages on a skewer and it’s tearing our nation apart. Every troubled marriage has the hope of being a saved marriage. In our work as marriage missionaries, my husband and I have seen many miracles occur in these shattered relationships through prayer. As a result, we’ve refined our prayers to cover most of the issues that marriages in crisis face, using the acrostic CRISIS. The prayer suggestions and...

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