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By Jayme Hull−
Have you ever thought to yourself, I want to be a mentor, but what if I don’t measure up? Or, if only I had a mentor to help me throughout life then I could be a better mentor for someone else.”
The Amazon website has over 99,000 different books listed for self-esteem and self-image. Obviously, people are seeking advice and answers to their innermost heart questions about life. So many people have no idea that they should, or could be seeking advice from a godly biblical perspective.
As a godly mentor you can share the answers God gives us in His Word, and be a blessing in someone’s life. God has a plan and a purpose for everything and everyone under heaven. Sharing advice with a godly point−of−view on a one−to−one basis will impact your life, your church and your community.
Are you willing to take a little extra time to share your faith, apply Biblical truth, listen, pray, encourage and uplift? How can you do this? May I suggest an acronym I read somewhere that is very good advice: G.L.U.E.! Giving, Loving, Understanding and Encouraging. Sharing the amazing truths we know about God and the salvation and hope we have in Jesus Christ brings Glory to God and gives us purpose.
In Frances Chan’s book Crazy Love, he points out that God didn’t have to make hundreds of different kinds of bananas, but He did. He didn’t have to put 3,000 different species of trees within one square mile in the Amazon jungle, but He did. God created a caterpillar’s head with 228 separate muscles, and crafty spiders that can produce three different kinds of silk at a speed of 60 feet per hour.
Wow! God is the great designer and He has a plan and a purpose for every human being and everything He has created. As a mentor you have the privilege to share the good news with each one of the women God places in your path and in your care. Every person needs to be reminded that God is the master designer. It is our privilege and honor to pass on the encouragement and hope in Jesus Christ to the next generation.
As we enter the fall harvest time over the next few weeks, we want to encourage you to step out and share your faith with others. “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.” (Luke 10:2 NIV)
Will you become a mentor who is an answer to the prayer in this verse? Right now is the best time of your life to begin mentoring and reaching out to the next generation.
Jayme love your heart. Changing the world one person at a time.
Jayme- brilliant. One of your absolute bests! Thank you for sharing your gift!
Karen and Deb,
You both are the GLUE. Thank you for your heart for the Lord.