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So where are you in the Word? What has reached out and impacted you? Or are you like so many, struggling to find time with Him? For those of you who are making it happen, how are you doing it? What has the Lord been speaking to you?
Over the past few months I have eargerly been taking my cup of coffee, “Our Daily Bread” (www.rbc.org), my Bible, and my wonderful dog Crockett out on the patio for my quite time. As soon as I walk around the counter with my cup of coffee he jumps up and heads for the door. As I start to read my Bible I ask the Holy Spirit to come and open my eyes and my heart up to receive what I need for the day. I also ask the Holy Spirit for understanding, wisdom, and quidance for my daily tasks. I have been so blessed to have such peaceful days and I see that everything flows throughout the day instead of my day just being scrambled and insignificant. I really feel that my Lord is thrilled at my consistency and my desire to know Him more intimately. I struggled for so long to make it happen and it has finally come to be an important part of my day. Thank you God for doing a work in my heart.
Leslie – what an encouraging example of how God wants us to begin our day