By Peggy Still—
My granddaughter, Katie, is my inspiration. Born with congenital muscular dystrophy, she was given a lifespan of one year. She just celebrated her 15th birthday. The road she has travelled has not been without difficulties, but she has borne each challenge with renewed hope.
Hospital visits have been infrequent for a child with her multiple disabilities, until this year. Her recent trip to the emergency room for what seemed like a minor cold turned into 57 days in the ICU and being brought back from the brink of death 15 times. Needing a family member to be with her 24/7, our family rallied the troops and gave round-the-clock support. Throughout her ordeal Katie consistently expresses her thankfulness to the staff, doctors, nurses, chaplains and family who attended to her. Her perseverance and the depth of her faith was a testimony to everyone she encountered.
Upon returning home with four new medical machines she was undaunted. Two days later her teacher began visits to help her get caught up on her homework, and Katie started her own business. Seriously! Creating a Facebook page with pictures and prices of the bracelets she creates she hopes to raise enough money for a trip to Disneyworld. Of course, she says, a good portion of the proceeds of sales will be gifted to the Muscular Dystrophy Association for research to find a cure for this dreadful disease that affects millions of Americans.
Katie does not view the oxygen tubes as obstacles, but as a life saving device to keep her home with her family and her two cats. She does not think of the BiPap machine she must use at night with misery, but sees angels working the machine to keep her breathing. Although she does not like the taste of the liquid medication she must take, it’s better than needles in her arm. The protein drinks aren’t her favorite, but at least she can taste real food again and not be fed through a tube in her stomach.
If we are to be undaunted, then we cannot allow circumstances out of our control to overwhelm us. It is not more faith that we need, but authentic faith. A faith that grows not in size, but in depth with each storm we face.
Peggy is embarking on a new career in mid-life. A featured speaker for women’s groups and retreats, she is the author of hundred of devotionals and articles in a variety of areas of interest to women. Married to Mark for 36 years, they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.
What an amazing young woman Peggy. She carries herself with grace and purpose, not allowing the betrayal of her body to keep her from dancing her way through life.
Wow, Peggy! Thank you so much for sharing this precious lamb with us. My older brother has MD so I deeply appreciate this inspiring post.
I’m humbled.