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By Peggy Still—

I put it away where I know it would be safe. It seemed logical at the time, but now I don’t have the foggiest idea where it is. I have spent the morning looking through drawers, in closets, under the bed, but it’s nowhere to be found. It’s not lost because I distinctly remember putting it where I wouldn’t lose it. But, oh the treasures I found while looking for it.

It has taken me most of the morning to read found cards and letters, toss receipts and shred old statements. I filed some things, saved others to read later. Some of the photos I found made me laugh, others made me cry over loved ones now gone. The decision what to do with a broken bracelet and the back of a long lost earring could wait for another time. I would have sworn I put my passport back in the safe, what is it doing here? A Christmas CD discovered out of its jacket I put in the player and listen while I continue the search, even though the season has long since past. In the bottom dresser drawer, wrapped in soft cloth is the cigar box my dad kept from the day I was born that announced, “It’s a Girl!” Among several things inside the box is a note in his handwriting. It reads:

The uniqueness of Christ is that He alone can forgive our sins. Jesus alone gives our lives purpose. Jesus alone can give peace and keep fear at bay. Jesus alone gives us power to live victoriously. Jesus alone will find us, as the good shepherd looks after and finds his lost sheep.

Well, the morning is gone. I didn’t find it, but I enjoyed the search. I know it’s not lost, because I put it in a safe place where I would find it. Doesn’t matter anyway, because I’ve forgotten what it was I was looking for. The value of the morning is Dad’s reminder that although we may lose our way sometimes, we are never really lost, for the Good Shepherd finds us, and leads us back to the safety of His loving care.





Peggy2Peggy is embarking on a new career in mid-life. A featured speaker for women’s groups and retreats, she is the author of hundred of devotionals and articles in a variety of areas of interest to women. Married to Mark for 36 years, they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.


  1. 5-21-2014

    Precious…thank you Peggy. I’m feeling like a lost sheep this morning so I needed to hear that.

  2. 5-21-2014

    Thank you for this, Peggy. So glad for the reminder that no matter how lost I may feel, my Good Shepherd always knows where I am!

  3. 5-21-2014

    Precious treasures found through loss….such a rich truth.

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