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By Jayme Hull—

Do you ever wonder if God really cares? Does He really know every detail in your life?

All throughout the Bible, God reveals His character and deep love for us from Genesis to Revelation.

In Genesis we see how God told Noah the exact measurements of the ark and in Exodus Moses received the detailed instructions on how to build the Tabernacle for God. In the book of Joshua, God gave a strict battle plan on how and when to fight the enemy in the Battle of Jericho.

It is very evident that God cares about the details of life as we read about numerous dates, people and events in the book of Numbers through Chronicles. Don’t forget the wisdom in the book of Proverbs full of specific instructions and counsel. Our God is a God of details.

In the New Testament Jesus gave wise counsel to His disciples and followers with details on how to live a godly life on a daily basis. God knows us down to the smallest detail as we find in Matthew 10:30 “And the very hairs on your head are numbered.”(NIV)

Soldiers must march into battle with confidence in their commanders’ orders and the detailed instructions they are given. As you read your Bible and spend time in prayer you too can march through your day with hope as you acknowledge that God knows you and calls you by name.

As you make time to quietly talk with God on the details of your life you will have the wisdom and discernment needed to mentor the next generation.  David Stoddard gives advice worth remembering, “When I mentor someone, I come prepared and expecting to learn, not just to teach and advise. As I step into another person’s world and he steps into mine, we begin to see the world afresh, from different perspectives. Neither of us will ever be the same.”

Ask God to guide and help you with every step of your life and the life of those you are mentoring.

You can trust the Lord and be encouraged because, GOD IS IN THE DETAILS OF YOUR LIFE!





Jayme Hull: Jayme is a graduate of New York University with a B.A. in Speech Communication Education and Musical Theater. She married her high school sweetheart John and together they live in Nashville TN. Jayme and John have three incredible godly adult children, two beautiful daughter-in-laws that love the Lord and one granddaughter . She went to NYC to meet the Broadway Entertainment world but instead she met the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. From that moment on her life was changed forever. Her new ministry, Woman Face toFace, is a Christ centered, Bible based, non-denomination ministry to equip women of all ages and stages of life to learn how to help each other as a mentor or being mentored. Check out the website at www.jaymeleehull.com


  1. 9-19-2013

    Thank you for this reminder, Jayme. What a comfort to know that God really is trustworthy, down to the very last detail!

  2. 9-22-2013

    Thank you for continuing to plow the ground for mentoring.

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