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By Karen DeArmond Gardner—

Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Figuring out who done it…how? And most of all…why? To be a really good mystery, twists and turns are required and predictability is not allowed. I want keep me on the edge of my seat suspense. I want the villain to be caught by the hero and someone saved just in the nick of time.

I hate it when the villain gets away their crime and everyone around them is deceived about who they really are. I don’t like when the bad guy wins or the good guy falls. I love it when a wrong is righted. All is right in the world. At least until the next book or movie.

In the beginning a story unfolds with everything right in the world until…One day.

The woman’s skin warm from the sun, the air fragrant from the lush foliage as she strolls through eyeing the trees in the middle of the garden. This day something is different and draws her in for a closer look. She had seen this animal before but never here.

One day. He spoke. Questioning the character of the creator. Everything after that changed the course of the world.

Throughout history there have been twists and turns. The villain causing trouble everywhere he could. At times it seemed as though he would win. One day. His nemesis died. Evil won, good was dead. Ha! The Mighty One failed.

One day. There was a shout in heaven that shook the unseen world as the Hero triumphed!

He’s alive!



Karen DeArmond-Gardner: Employed in the Health Insurance industry by day, writer by night.  Co-founder of My Purpose Now.

After thirty years, four months and two days on December 26, 2004 I found the courage to walk away from an abusive marriage. My hope is in telling my story women discover how to take their life from ugly to beauty, death to life, chaos to castles.

Find me on www.ChaostoCastles.com and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Chaos-to-Castles/437830926260036

When the pain of shame was unbearable, I had to remember why I started.

I will walk in freedom….I will speak and not be ashamed. Psalm 119:45-46 NLT (Karen’s Version)


  1. 2-16-2015

    He IS alive! Can’t wait to attend death’s funeral One Day…

    • 2-16-2015

      AMEN to that!

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