By Peggy Still—

For Ezra had set his heart to study the laws of the Lord. (Ezra 7:10, NRSV)

When asked why she had left the church, a young pastor’s daughter gave the reason, “I have been sheltered all my life. I want to have experiences I wouldn’t otherwise have if I stayed here. I want to explore the world. I think it will make me a better Christian.”

This kind of thinking can plunge immature Christians into ungodly situations and drive them away from God. We are to set our hearts on the Lord and study His commandments, bringing us closer to Him. That is what makes a stronger Christian, not being exposed to experiences and relationships which can lead to embracing ungodly habits.

Our choices are not to be guided by the “counsel of the wicked” as David writes in Psalm 1:1. We are not to put ourselves in places where those that don’t know Jesus have undo influence over our thoughts. We are to avoid getting comfortable being around those that mock God and don’t follow Christian philosophies.

Ezra was a priest who depended on God for all things. He set aside days for fasting and prayer. He knew the laws of God and lived by them. He studied the Word and applied it to his own life before teaching it to others. In this Old Testament book we learn that Ezra was concerned over Israel making compromises that affected their faith and threatened the future existence of the nation. His concern was less for the petty technicalities of the law, but for matters that concerned the heart.

When we make compromises that effect our core beliefs it threatens our future. The young woman mentioned above was led into a life of promiscuity and drug abuse that eventually took her life. Experience is not always our best teacher. It is better to receive our training and advice from God’s Word and from those who know and love Him. It is best to set our heart on God.



Peggy Still: Peggy continues to serve on staff at The Fuller Foundation in Pasadena, California. Peggy is a featured speaker in a variety of areas for women including finance, social issues and leadership. She also serves as a consultant to churches and other non-profit organizations in the areas of administration and fund-raising. Married to Mark for 33 years they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.


  1. 2-8-2013

    This is so on target! Experience can be an unforgiving teacher. The Holy Spirit was sent specifically to guide our understanding and He is a trustworthy guide!

  2. 2-8-2013

    oh, this is just SO good! this is why i share my experiences of before Christ to teens and new Christians, to impress upon them to stand firm in their walk; no compromises, and no diversions. the “road to ruin” is just around the corner, and most of the time we don’t see the signs. those of us who “have been there” need to share their stories to help those who might steer off the right road. it’s really hell out there. my heart aches to warn them.

  3. 2-8-2013

    Shirley, So right you are! As mentors we should share the good and the bad choices we have made in life. The Bible is full of stories of wrong decisions and their consequences. It is the one book we can trust to tell us the hard truth. You are so faithful to MPN – keep the comments coming!

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