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By Kathy Carlton Willis—

Shhh . . . don’t tell anyone I said this, but . . . I slept really well last night because Russ happened to be out of town. Yep, I said it. I sleep better when I’m “sleepin’ single in a double bed” (well actually a queen size)! I do less tossing and turning, and do more of the deep sleep known to allow for restorative sleep.

You may ask, “Kathy, that is all fine and good, but I thought I was going to read an inspirational message today. What does your sleep pattern have to do with my spiritual life?”

There are several thoughts for us to consider today. First, let’s look at the biblical concept of complete rest (not just physical). Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 (NLT), “Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’” Jesus promises us rest from our labor and our burdens when we come to Him.

Unfortunately, sometimes we bring things to bed with us that hinder our sleep. We bring our worries and concerns, and allow our mind to be consumed with thoughts not conducive to rest. We bring our anger or our hurt feelings, and lick our wounds rather than seeking rest for our souls. When we bring something with us, to try to come to Jesus, we will not find rest. It will be a form of rest, but not the good restorative sleep like when we can leave it all behind.

Rest can be defined as: freedom from activity or labor; peace of mind or spirit; a rhythmic silence in music; something used for support; free of anxieties. When I look over that definition, and realize Jesus promises rest (not merely physically, but spiritually and emotionally), I yearn for it. I long for Him to give me even more peace of mind, and freedom from activity. Curious to me that the definition also includes the musical term for rest. It means a silence or pause. I like that. Jesus can silence the thoughts and feelings whirling around in my head. I realize I have to do my part in creating the environment for that to take place. I wonder what my wandering thoughts would do if I barked out the order: “SILENCE!” Would they shake in their little boots or would they laugh at me and say, “You don’t really mean it!”

Let your thoughts and attitudes know you mean business. Drop all your bags at the door, as you run into the arms of your loving Savior.

“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” Matthew 11:29-30 NLT.





Kathy Carlton Willis: Kathy writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith—whimsy and wisdom. Not many funny girls also have Bible degrees! Kathy’s a pastor’s wife, which gives her plenty of opportunities to grin with grace. She shines the light on the issues that hold women back while guiding them to the truths that promise freedom. She has four books coming out in the next couple of years: Speaker to Speaker, Grin with Grace, Grin with Joy, and Grin with Peace. Almost a thousand of Kathy’s articles have been published for print or Internet, in magazines, newspapers and books. She’s affiliated with several Christian writer and speaker organizations and serves as a consultant for others in the publishing industry. Kathy anticipates great things for her 50s, and is pursuing God’s goals with gusto as she dives in to this glorious decade. Learn more about Kathy at: www.kathycarltonwillis.com/


  1. 7-8-2013

    Yes, “Peace, be still.”

    • 7-8-2013

      We might not like the instructions to “be still” much, but we sure do like that word “peace,” don’t we? Thanks, Sharon!

  2. 7-8-2013

    I never thought about the connection of the musical term for rest; it makes the thought of sleep feel like a soothing rhythm!

    • 7-8-2013

      Sally, it’s neat that you pulled that part out of the article. Anytime there’s a musical application of a word or description that helps me “do life” better, I seem to comprehend the concept better. Like REST. I know in music a pause helps the sound around the rest sound more beautiful, more alive. A whole new take on “beauty rest,” huh?

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