By Peggy Still—

God does not just love, He embodies love. Want to know true love? Look at God’s character.

1 Corinthians 13 is the chapter of love in the Bible. It expresses what love looks like. Verses 4-7 lists seven things that are unprofitable without love: Prophecy, speaking with tongues of angels, understanding the mysteries of God, all knowledge, all faith, sacrifice, and charity toward others. What we receive from God we cannot keep without God. (John 10:37)

The character of God’s love…
…its quality is tenderness
…its measure plentiful
…its extent high as the heavens
…its duration from everlasting to everlasting

Who wouldn’t want that kind of love? It is perfect love which comes only from the prefect and loving God and it never ends. His love can be found in all things, just take a moment to look around.

God speaks in countless ways in spring;
The earth reborn, the birds on wing,
The sunshine warm, the blossoming trees,
The greening hills, the scented breeze.

Oh, how I love each flower gay
That’s spread across the hills today;
And in the meadows fair and bright,
These petaled beauties bring delight.

In fields and valleys an array
Of floral beauty’s on display;
And in each springtime wonder grand
I see a love note from God’s hand.


“Love Notes” by Beverly J. Anderson




Peggy Still: Peggy continues to serve on staff at The Fuller Foundation in Pasadena, California. Peggy is a featured speaker in a variety of areas for women including finance, social issues and leadership. She also serves as a consultant to churches and other non-profit organizations in the areas of administration and fund-raising. Married to Mark for 33 years they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.

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