By Ava Pennington—

I am so glad summer is over.

Wait. Did I just say that? Yes, with apologies to school-age children everywhere. I’m glad summer is over.

Back in June, instead of planning a summer vacation, we found ourselves planning to tent our home for termites. In July, instead of working out in the pool to reduce some of my own excess baggage, we worked down our pantry to reduce excess food that would otherwise need to be packed away or removed. Instead of dreaming of hotel reservations for a beachfront resort, we reserved a motel room a mile from our home. Finally, in August, we drew down our already depleted bank account to repair the damage and replace the porch screens that had been cut when the house was tented.

All because of a tiny insect.

Thankfully, we caught the problem in time. The bugs are exterminated, the minor damage is repaired, and we’re home, back to our usual routine. Still, this is one summer I don’t want to remember. Let it sink beneath the sands of time, never to be exhumed.

Despite all the negatives, one good thing came out of the experience. I now have a new appreciation for King Solomon’s words in Song of Songs 2:15, “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom” (NIV).

It’s the little things that get us, isn’t it? The seat that’s left up in the bathroom. The driver behind us who sits on his horn the second the light turns green. The sense of discontent that creeps in when our neighbor buys a new car and we’re taking our clunker to the mechanic for the third time in as many months. Or in my case this summer, the presence of tiny, barely-visible, uninvited guests.

Again and again, our world is turned upside down when we take our eyes off El Roi—the God Who Sees everything about us, no matter how small. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you and I can purpose to keep our eyes focused on the Lord who saved us and continues to sustain us. Whether it’s little annoyances or huge crises, we can trust the One to whom we belong.

Heavenly Father, help me view life from Your perspective. From the smallest annoyance to the largest crisis, may I keep my eyes focused on Jesus, my mind focused on Your Word, and my heart obedient to Your Holy Spirit.




© 2010 Martin Alan Grivjack Photography Martin Alan Grivjack PhotographyAva Pennington is a writer, Bible teacher, and speaker. Her newest book, Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional, is endorsed by Precepts founder Kay Arthur. Additionally, Ava is co-author of Faith Basics for Kids. The first two books in the series are Do You Love Me More? and Will I See You Today? She has also written numerous articles for magazines such as Today’s Christian Woman, Power for Living, and Called.

In addition to her writing, Ava also teaches a weekly, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 175+ women. She is a passionate speaker and teacher, and delights in challenging audiences with the truth of God’s word in relevant, enjoyable presentations. Ava and Russ have been married for 35 years and live in southeast Florida.  For more information, visit her at



  1. 9-6-2013

    Ava. Straight to the heart. He sees us – that’s the part we struggle with, since he sees us why oh why doesn’t he fix it or take it away? We look for purpose in everything that happens to us in this life. Most times there is no purpose or reason why it happened. Only he can bring purpose out of the stuff of life. Even tiny insects that invade your home. What hope to know he sees and cares.

    • 9-6-2013

      You’re so right, Karen. Knowing that He sees and cares gives us the confidence to face whatever life brings – big things and small.

  2. 9-6-2013

    Ava, I am so glad you are a part of the MPN team. I took your workshop at the Florida Christian Writers Conference in February and it was fabulous. Welcome aboard!

    • 9-6-2013

      Thank you, Penny! So glad to see you here! And thanks for suggesting me for consideration!

  3. 9-6-2013

    Ava, I agree with Penny…since I attended your session at the Fla. Christian Writers’ Conference and purchased your devotional on the Names of God…whenever I see a post you’ve written, I already know in advance it will be wonderful 🙂

  4. 9-7-2013

    Thank you for your sweet words, Beth. Glad for the relationship that began at FCWC!

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