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By Jesi Steiber—

It’s probably not good gym etiquette, but I can’t help myself. I try minding my own business, it’s not as if I like being there to begin with. But it seems as if every time I get started, there she is. If I’m on the treadmill, she is always right in front of me working away, giving it all she’s got. She runs as hard as she seemingly can, pushing herself to the limit. She doesn’t just run—you should see her on the elliptical. She grabs those bars and shows it who’s the boss, pushing and pulling until she can hardly breathe.  I can’t stop watching her. It’s to the point it’s almost distracting my workout. Who does she think she is anyway?

I smiled at myself this morning, as I walked in the gym at a quarter until too early for me to be up. I found myself scanning the room to see if I could get a glimpse of her. It almost made me want to find a machine in the corner to use so no one would know I was stalking her. Too late, I found her on yet another machine rowing herself silly. It was then I realized I found myself pushing a little harder as I watched her working her body to it’s limits.

The interesting thing is, she is not skinny nor is she full of muscle. She is at best a plus size woman. And every day I watch her, I silently cheer her on. This woman I don’t know, is inspiring me to push myself a little harder everyday. And she doesn’t even know. Yet there she is, again this morning, rowing and pushing and pulling for as long or longer than I’m there. I can’t wait to watch the transformation of this beautiful woman who is working so hard to change her body. What a true inspiration.

As I watched her this morning, I pondered on women who inspire me and why. This woman inspires me to keep up the workouts, even on mornings I’d rather be anywhere but the gym. Other women inspire me to step out and be courageous. I have a friend who connects me to other women who continually bless me. The courage to bring women together who don’t know each other over and over is impressive.

There’s another friend who sees my heart and encourages me to write and write some more. She inspires by her story alone, but also by the friend she has become. One of my friends is an example to me by her heart for others. She is eloquent and speaks well and motivates me to use my gift of communication. My list goes on, including my friend who just by her daily life reminds me to live every day to its fullest. As I think of these women I’m amazed at how God has blessed me with so many women who are such great examples in my life.

It’s said actions speak louder than words. This being the case, I believe our behavior will encourage or discourage others. Don’t look now, but someone is watching you. They are looking to see how you handle yourself. Some are seeking leadership and want to be led. Others seek pure friendship. But regardless of what they seek, your behavior will bare witness to others.

Let me clarify this is not the same as letting what others think of you craft your actions. When you step in to who God created you to be, you receive a heart to share the Good News. For some that may be verbally witnessing to others, but to some it may also mean showing the love of Christ though every little thing they do. I love watching God’s love shine in others. I could sit and watch it all day long, except it is so encouraging I want to do it myself – I want to let my light shine.





Jesi Steiber lives in Fort Worth, Texas and is our newest addition to the MPN authors. She is married to a man she describes as “awesome,” who makes her smile every day. They have four children and four grandchildren. A favorite scripture is Ruth 3:11: “Now my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask. For all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence.”


  1. 9-16-2013

    Welcome to MPN, Jesi!
    And thank you for this convicting reminder that often the greatest influence I have is the one I don’t know about. Ouch!

    • 9-19-2013

      Thanks Ava for taking the time to read and comment. I love when God speaks to us through these articles!

  2. 9-16-2013

    Beautiful Jesi! You warm my heart and gave me a whole new perspective.

    • 9-19-2013

      Love you Karen!! Thank you for being one of those who continues to encourage and inspire!!

  3. 9-16-2013

    Jesi – I absolutely loved and appreciated this post!

    • 9-19-2013

      Penny – thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed it!

  4. 9-16-2013

    Awe!!! You are such an inspiration to me!! I love that you are writing because even though I am not writing I love reading beautiful writings!! I mean Letters haha.
    I Love you woman! 🙂

  5. 9-19-2013

    Ana Marie, I love you and am so thankful for you!!

  6. 9-22-2013

    What a great testimony. Inspiration instead of envy.

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