By Peggy Still—

If Jesus had gone at once to Lazarus bedside when he received word sent by Mary and Martha of his serious illness, the thrilling record of John 11 would not have been written. Mary, Martha and Lazarus would have missed a tremendous experience and a deep wonderful blessing. This lesson is one of encouragement to our faith as well. The Lord had something better for Mary and Martha that they could even think to ask, so He delayed.

How much would we miss, and perhaps do miss, by insisting the Lord do for us what we deem is the only solution for our dilemma? Faith that trusts what it cannot see and holds steady under trial produces the biggest of blessings.

The power that will bring all things to perfect consummation is with us now. The Lord in present circumstances is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or think. God will manifest himself in new ways and give you blessings out of His storehouse you never dreamed. When God delays, it is because He has something better in store for His children.

In times of trouble say:

– He brought me here by His will and in that assurance I will rest;
– He will keep me here in His love and give me grace through this trial;
– He will turn this trial into a blessing, teaching me what He wants me to know;
– In His good time He will bring me out, unscathed and blessed

I am here:

– By God’s divine appointment
– In His keeping
– Under His training
– For His time

God does not want his daughters to be harmed, so he stretches out his wings of protection over us. Go to Him and allow Him to shelter you for “The feathers of God’s wings are his tender mercies” – Psalm 91:4




Peggy Still: Peggy continues to serve on staff at The Fuller Foundation in Pasadena, California. Peggy is a featured speaker in a variety of areas for women including finance, social issues and leadership. She also serves as a consultant to churches and other non-profit organizations in the areas of administration and fund-raising. Married to Mark for 33 years they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.


  1. 3-22-2013

    Peggy – Love this. It’s what we need to be reminded of so often. Thanks for your beautiful thoughts.

  2. 3-26-2013

    Yes, He hides us under His wings during the “molting.” He doesn’t strip us in public.

    • 3-26-2013

      Amen! Love this comment Sharon.

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