By Peggy Still –

In fullness of joy—not partial, not imperfect, not joy intermingled with pain and sorrow—but joy, full, satisfying, that will not be diminished is what the psalmist writes of in Psalm 16:11. David rejoices that the life God gives cannot be cancelled by the grave. In this writing David’s faith carries him to a deeper understanding of life after death.

This life has trade-offs between short-term sorrow and the everlasting joys found in the fullness of the Father, which are eternal.

For short sorrow, we shall have eternal joy
For a little hunger, an eternal banquet
For a little sickness, everlasting health
For a little bondage, endless liberty
For disgrace, glory
For evil surroundings, the elect of glory
For Satan’s temptations, the comfort of Christ
For affliction, eternal salvation

The promise of heaven is pleasures for evermore, happiness that will be eternal, joy that has no end. If the things of earth do not leave us, we soon shall leave them. Loss, disappointment, sickness, can never occur in heaven; nor can the anticipation of death. How different in all these things will heaven be from earth! How, then, can we be sorrowful for those who have gone before us. Comfort comes in the words of the scripture, “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11 NIV)




Peggy Still: Peggy currently serves as the Director of Administrative and Client Services for The Fuller Foundation in Pasadena, California. Peggy is a featured speaker in a variety of areas for women including finance, social issues and leadership. She also serves as a consultant to churches and other non-profit organizations in the areas of administration and fund-raising. Married to Mark for 33 years they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.

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