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By Karen DeArmond Gardner—
He is at the end of his career, considered old for his profession, and on his way out. Not only is it the last game of the season, it’s also the last game of his career. Before the announcers, the team and even he realize it, no one has been on base. He was pitching the perfect game—at the end of his career. The perfect game does not mean every pitch is a strike, or that no one has hit the ball. It means no one got on base. The perfect game is not perfect. It takes the efforts of the whole team to back each other up to play the perfect game.
As women we tend to strive for perfection. Thinking if we are perfect we will be accepted. We strive to be the perfect daughter, mom, grandmother and friend. This attempt is usually based on another’s idea of perfection. I thought if I could be the perfect daughter, my father would want me. But since I failed he left. This started me on a path of becoming all things to all people. I conformed myself to be someone else. If I could be like her, she who seemed so perfect and who everyone liked, then I too would be liked. My plan was flawed.
When I married at the age of 20, I took my flawed plan with me. Continually adapting to become the wife my husband wanted. When I failed the consequences were swift and harsh. My marriage ended after 30 years and I discovered I had no idea who I was. I built my life on another’s expectations and became who they wanted me to be—or who I though they wanted me to be.
At 51 I began the journey of discovery. Finding Karen. After spending 50ish years comparing myself to others and putting on the illusion of perfection, I discovered perfection was not up to me and was not part of the plan Father had for me. Life is like the perfect baseball game. My goal as the pitcher is to keep my eyes focused on the glove of the catcher. I am to use the gifts I was given and the strengths I was born with. According to Hebrews 12:1, I am to strip off every weight that will slow me down and trip me up. The only way I can do this is to keep my eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects my faith. (Hebrews 12:2 NLT)
The good news is, we will win the game. We will be perfected. Be the woman God has called us to be, with all our flaws.
Consider it all joy, my sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, to that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2–4 NASB)
I love this! It is so very accurate of where many of us in our 50’s seem to be. Thanks for the pitcher analogy, I just might quote you on that one:-)
WoW Debi you want to quote me! Does that mean I have moved up a level? Thank you so much for your kind words. I am enjoying my last year in my 50s, plan on doing things I have never done before.