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By Jayme Hull—
What kind of friend are you? Will you go the extra mile for others? Do you have a hearts desire to do whatever it takes to get someone to Jesus Christ?
Do you recall the amazing story of the paralytic who was blessed with four friends determined and dedicated to getting their friend to Jesus Christ? This wonderful story is found in Mark 2:1-5 (NIV) where a paralytic is in need of a healing and four friends are willing to do whatever it took to get him face to face with Jesus.
This passage tells us there was no room inside or even outside the house where Jesus was speaking, so the four friends carried their friend on the mat to the roof. Unable to be discouraged, they proceeded to cut a hole in the roof and lower the paralytic friend on the mat down in front of Jesus. Can you imagine this scene? What made these friends so determined?
We know for certain that their faith in Jesus Christ was shining through in such an incredible way from the comment Jesus made to the paralytic in verse 5:”When Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
The Christian women in our churches today are hurting and very needy. God is calling the older mature Christian to be one of the four friends holding the corner of the mat.
Are you willing to grab a corner and carry the younger Christian woman to Jesus Christ to be healed and made whole?
Jesus saw their faith and healed the hurting friend on the mat. Don’t miss the amazing reaction found in verse twelve of the same chapter; this incident brought the people in the crowd to give praise to the Lord.
As we make time for Jesus in our own personal lives we will grow in the Word and in our faith. Through our prayer life with Christ as we listen we will hear from God. Only the Holy Spirit can grow us into the godly women God meant for us to be.
God was willing to use the availability of four friends. God is still willing and active in our lives today. The four friends had no idea they would have such a huge impact on their friend, the crowd observing their act of love and also all future generations who are reading the Bible right now in 2013.
Be encouraged! You too can make a difference!
“He climbs highest who helps another up.” Zig Ziglar
“A bird does not know it can fly before it uses its wings. We learn God’s love in our hearts as soon as we act upon it.” Corrie ten Boon
“Our Lord is searching for people who will make a difference. Christians dare not dissolve into the background or blend into the neutral scenery of the world.” Charles Swindoll
If you are a mature Christian who is walking with the Lord remember God wants to use you for the Kingdom. God has called the older generation to mentor and witness to the younger generation and now is the time to begin to pour our lives into them.
Are you willing to pour your life and the life experiences you have with God into the next younger generation? If you will say “Yes!” to God’s plan of mentoring, the Holy Spirit will instruct, teach and guide you along the path on a daily basis.
Be encouraged! God has a plan and purpose for your life and will walk with you every step of the way, as you are obedient to His calling on your life.
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