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By Jayme Hull—

Are you constantly standing on the sidelines and watching Christians from a distance? Have you wanted to step up and follow the Savior but are just too afraid to follow in His footsteps? Why won’t you deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Jesus? How long has it been since you shared your faith with someone else?

Scripture tells us, Simon of Cyrene, had just arrived in town and stopped along side the street to see what all of the commotion was about. In Matthew 27:32 and Luke 23:26 we are told, the Roman soldiers randomly selected Simon to carry the cross up the hill with Jesus. Can you imagine this scene? This man has just come into town and stops to see what’s going on. He had no way of knowing that in one moment his life would be changed forever.

How did the cross of Christ change this man forever? What did the cross of Christ bring into this mans life?

1. The cross-brought Simon into the presence of Jesus Christ.

2. The cross-made him follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.

Simon could not get off the path or run away. The cross-kept him focused.

3. The cross-changed his family forever.

In Romans 16:13 (NIV) Paul mentions Simon’s wife and son, Rufus as chosen in the Lord and very close to his heart. The cross will capture the hearts of entire families.

4. The cross-made him a part of the Worlds Biggest event and the saving Work of God.

Until this moment in Simon’s life he was a regular guy. Now with the cross of Jesus Christ in his life, is now chosen and has a purpose and plan for his life. By this one simple act of walking with Christ, Simon of Cyrene was changed forever.

What has the cross of Christ done for you?

This Easter time is a wonderful time to share your God story with another person. Do not wait another minute. Meet with a new young believer for a cup of coffee and tell her what the cross has done for you. As you share with her and begin to do life together you will see the hand of God moving in her life as well as yours. When you mentor, God uses this opportunity to minister to both you and the mentee.

Be encouraged! The Lord will walk beside you as you pour your life into another young Christian woman.



Jayme Hull: Jayme is a graduate of New York University with a B.A. in Speech Communication Education and Musical Theater. She married her high school sweetheart John and together they live in Nashville TN. Jayme and John have three incredible godly adult children, two beautiful daughter-in-laws that love the Lord and one granddaughter . She went to NYC to meet the Broadway Entertainment world but instead she met the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. From that moment on her life was changed forever. Her new ministry, Woman Face toFace, is a Christ centered, Bible based, non-denomination ministry to equip women of all ages and stages of life to learn how to help each other as a mentor or being mentored. Check out the website at www.jaymeh.com

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