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By Linda Ruggles and Melody Heal—

God will shake you up when you least expect it! I remember the day I woke up and checked my Facebook page. Isn’t that what we all do these days? Wondering why I wasn’t seeing news from one of my dearest friends I clicked on her page and found she had “defriended” me. I also remember thinking, what has this world come to when a friend of over 25 years can “defriend” you? Then the questions started; what happened, what did I do, why wouldn’t she just tell me something was wrong? The big question, why?

I cried, I prayed, I cried, and then I wrote a card and sent it through snail mail. This seemed the perfect time to actually use a pen, paper and stamp. Even though I had no idea what the problem was, I heard God say, apologize and let me work. And so I did.

Several days after the note was sent an email came; “Thank you for writing. I have things to work out and I can’t talk to you for a while, and I have no idea for how long.” There was no explanation as to what had happened or what I had done. I cried, I prayed, I cried, and prayed some more.

For almost six months, I prayed daily for healing to our relationship. I let go and let God handle it, but I never stopped asking for healing. I missed my friend. I missed our times of praying for our kids and for each other. Was she OK? Did she think of me as I thought of her? Would the empty feeling ever leave? There were days that were harder than others. Days when I truly needed my friend to pray with me, but God was faithful to get me through those days.

In speaking with a new friend, a very young Christian who was working through issues of his own with broken relationships, I was able to share my “defriended” story. He asked me what I would do if she ever came back and asked to be my friend again. Without a moment hesitation I said, “I would welcome her back with open arms.” That was hard for him to understand, but I explained it is what we are called to do as those who love our forgiving Heavenly Father. At that moment, I truly felt there would be healing and I would be able to show my young friend how God works.

Not more than one week later, the email came asking for forgiveness. Of course the tears flowed. I praised God for His faithfulness. I shared the news with my new young friend and I rejoiced that my sweet companion of many years was back in my life. In the meantime, my new acquaintance saw the joy I had and understood what healing could mean. This resulted with Him beginning a journey to find his own mother and forgive her for what she did to him as a young boy.

God’s timing is always perfect! If we simply let go and let Him, He will always keep His promises!

Listening raptly to Linda, one of my tried and true friends and prayer partner of 13 years, unfold the phases of this story brought assured confidence once again in God’s word. Since Linda believed the promise Luke 6:37, “Forgive and you will be forgiven” (NKJ), she reaped the blessing and benefits of a restored relationship. Her willingness to surrender her pride and hurt while offering a sincere apology restored life and love and healing to her cherished friendship of many years. Is there someone today you need to call or mail a pen and pencil note to, offering a sincere heart of forgiveness? Why not do it now! God’s promise is waiting for you.




Melody Heal: A life-long joy and passion of Melody’s has been mentoring and sharing life with women of all ages encouraging them to grasp hold of the full potential the Lord has for them. The empty nest season has provided Melody a new luxury of living out her heart’s desire working professionally as a Christian school administrator, serving as the Featured Resource Writer for My Purpose Now website along with speaking at women’s events. Her greatest delight is being married to her husband Doug while being inspired by her two married children and their devoted Christ-following soul mates who all live in Southern California. Melody has proven to be passionate about prayer walking, gardening, and helping women identify, rekindle, and achieve their God inspired dreams. Interested in having her at your next event, contact her at: mfheal@gmail.com


  1. 3-15-2013

    Thank you for being willing to share this story. It was the power of Christ’s love and one letter of apology and forgiveness that reconciled our marriage after an eleven-year divorce. May He bless you and the ministry He has given you. Psalm 20:4-5

    • 3-17-2013

      Wow, Penny! What an amazing testimony to see how your willingness to forgive, to apologize along with trust in our magnificent God brought restoration to your marriage. PTL!

      Thanks for sharing your story of our Lord’s grace and redeeming work.

  2. 3-16-2013

    Howdy from Texas! promise me you will never defriend me in any way!! haha this was a great great blog. thanks for sharing it.
    Sue Caldwell

    • 3-17-2013

      My sweet friend, Sue Caldwell!

      I will never defriend you. Your passion for prayer and teachable spirit makes you an easy person to love and befriend. May you continue to model forgiveness to your boys, husband, and those wonderful southern people there in the heart of Texas!

      Love ya Sue,

  3. 3-24-2013

    Oh how I can relate to this article. I was defriended myself once and as silly as it seems it somehow makes you feel badly doesnt it. Forgiveness is the key. I was a caregiver of my mom. We had her move in with us after suffering a heart attack and she had a healthy five years with us until she passed away last february 23, 2012 at the age of 93. My son got engaged shortly after and moved out so I felt like I got “fired” twice. It was a transitional time for me and I truly found out who my friends are but also found forgiveness for those who were not understanding of my sadness. I heard a lot of “well mom was 93…she had a great life” that was so true but it is never easy to say goodbye to anyone. My husband encouraged me to start a website for 50 somethings like me as a hobby. I just blogged about celebrating each day. http://www.50plusstickingtogether.com/1/post/2013/03/december.html Im sharing the link should anyone care to read it. thank you for reminding me that forgiveness is always the right thing to do


  1. A Sincere Heart of Forgiveness | Living better at 50+| Online Womens Magazine - [...] Originally posted on: My Purpose Now. [...]

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