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By Jayme Hull—

Many years ago I attended a Young Adult worship service on a weekday night and before walking into the building I whispered a short prayer to the Lord; “OK God. If I’m really supposed to be here tonight and You desire for me to be involved in this ministry, please make it very clear. ”

I walked inside grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at a table in the back. I had no expectations except for the Lord to reveal Himself to me. I was 30 minutes early and after sitting there for only 5 minutes a young woman asked if she could sit in the seat beside me. “It’s all yours!” I told her. We talked about 10 minutes and explained how both of us got to town then I asked a very simple question: “So, why did you come tonight?”

As she began to answer my question, God answered mine.

She replied, “I’ve tried everything: drugs, alcohol, sex, academics, Buddhism, Wicca and even considered suicide but I thought, I’ll give this Jesus Christ thing one chance tonight. If this isn’t the real deal I’m out of here.”

I don’t recall what my reply was exactly but I know I told her something like; “Jesus is my best friend and He has all the real answers. I was looking for peace just like you and I found it in Jesus. Then someone taught me how to read the Bible and pray. If God can reach me while I was lost in the heart of NYC, He can do it here for you.” I could tell she was contemplating my response and thinking through the answer and our conversation. She was quiet and unemotional the entire night.

As soon as I finished my explanation the Worship service began. She seemed very intrigued and attentive but as soon as the night was over she exited out the back door quickly and I never saw her again.

As for me, I had to keep it together while I was beside her the entire night but my gut was shaking and my heart was in awe of God.  I could hear God shouting into my heart and mind, “This woman represents the next generation and I need you to show them the Way. They have no idea where to go or what to do. You have the answers. Mentor these women and I will change them one heart at a time.”

All I could say to God was “YES LORD! You can count on me. Teach me how and where to go and I will go.”

Like the Israelites’ in Judges 2:10-11, we currently have a whole generation of people that don’t have any knowledge of Jesus or the Word of God.

What is mentoring? Mentoring occurs when a woman who is older and wiser, with experience, takes a younger woman under her wing to share, teach, and train her.” ~Lynette McElroy

You may think you don’t have the time or you don’t have the gift of mentoring but that is not truth. Ask God to reveal the truth to you and the mystery of who to mentor, where to meet, when to begin and how to get started. God will answer your prayer and show you the way.

Daniel 2:28 “But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.”

Would you join me and pray for God to speak to your heart about mentoring and making a difference for the Kingdom in the next generation? I am praying for you to say, “YES LORD! You can count on me.”




Jayme Hull: Jayme is a graduate of New York University with a B.A. in Speech Communication Education and Musical Theater. She married her high school sweetheart John and together they live in Nashville TN. Jayme and John have three incredible godly adult children, two beautiful daughter-in-laws that love the Lord and one granddaughter . She went to NYC to meet the Broadway Entertainment world but instead she met the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. From that moment on her life was changed forever. Her new ministry, Woman Face toFace, is a Christ centered, Bible based, non-denomination ministry to equip women of all ages and stages of life to learn how to help each other as a mentor or being mentored. Check out the website at www.JaymeLeeHull.com

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