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By Jayme Hull—
How do people describe you? How about your lifestyle? Can people say you are “always lifting up others with your words?”
Last year, I read a story about a leader from the Christian Ministry organization I respect called The Navigators.
On June 18, 1956, a freak accident happened on a lake in New York. A speeding motorboat bounced on a wave and shot into the water two of its passengers, a 50-year old man and a little girl. To keep her from drowning, the man held her head above water while the boat circled back. They rescued the girl. But the man sank and drowned. That’s how Dawson Trotman died, the founder of the Navigators, an international discipleship ministry. According to a quote in Time Magazine, “He lived to save others. His death was just the way he would have planned it.” His obituary reads like this: “Dawson Trotman, always lifting someone up.”
What a wonderful description of someone’s lifestyle. How about you and me? Can people say we are “always lifting someone up?”
Our uplifting words start at home with our family and friends. Then as we go out into the world whether we are working full-time or volunteering and serving with an organization we are to be encouraging and uplifting. When you pour your life into another, you can make a difference for the Lord. Jesus Christ was our encourager and we must pass it on to the next generation.
“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, Who loved us and gave us everlasting consolation and encouragement and well-founded hope through [His] grace (unmerited favor), comfort and encourage your hearts and strengthen them [make them steadfast and keep them unswerving] in every good work and word.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
Everyone needs a mentor.
I have walked with the Lord for more than 30 years and I still have mentors in my life, while at the same time I am mentoring other women. As we read in Titus chapter two, this is God’s plan and desire for us to pour our lives into others. The older women mentor the younger women and the older men mentor the younger men. When you commit to mentoring you are encouraging, uplifting and guiding someone to a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
How are you and God doing? How is your personal walk and quiet time with the Lord? As you humbly worship the Lord and seek His face you will receive peace and understanding from the Holy Spirit.
God doesn’t need us to “do” anything. What God wants is your humble worship, obedience and serving heart. When you spend time with the Lord you will feel His presence, comfort and encouragement to overflowing. The overflow is what you will share with others as you mentor and reach out in Christ’s love.
Ask the Lord to help open your eyes to the people around you. As you meet others and can see their potential in the Lord, begin praying for God to open the door of opportunity for you to serve Him through mentoring the next generation. Remember you are blessed and will be a blessing to others as you use your “uplifting words”!
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