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MyPurposeNow.org will be four years old this month. The site development was a gift from Deb’s son, Cameron for Mother’s Day. It was the push we needed to move from “it’s a really good idea, to let’s do this!”

The past several months have brought many changes to each of our lives. They are all positive changes and we are grateful to have the opportunity to take them on. But taking on new opportunities has meant the need to evaluate all the other commitments in our lives.

After much prayer and discussion, we agree that it’s time to let MPN go. We published our final post on May 1. We will not remove the site from the web and will continue to maintain the site’s domain name so the wonderful body of work created here will still be available.

We have been blessed to have so many talented and wonderful writers – women of God who joined us on this journey. We thank each of them – they have been such a blessing to us and to our readers.

Thank you for four fabulous years – we’ve loved interacting with you. Our prayer is you will continue to live big and pursue your purpose now!

Find Karen DeArmond Gardner on her blog Chaos to Castles

Find Deb DeArmond on her author website Family Matters

Blessings to you all~

Karen and Deb


  1. 5-4-2015

    It’s been quite a ride. Thank you both from deep within my heart. May God bless the work of your hearts and hands.

    • 5-4-2015

      Penny- dear friend! Thank you so very much for being part of our team. You’ve become a sweet friend in the process. God is so good!

  2. 5-4-2015

    So grateful for the opportunity to run with you all for a season. Cheering you on for the next leg of your journey.

    • 5-4-2015

      Sharon, it’s been a joy and privilege to partner together. My prayer is that you continue to write. You are so gifted.

      Best blessings.

  3. 5-4-2015

    “To everything there is a season,
    A time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecc. 3:1 NKJ).

    It has been a joy to be part of this community. May the Lord guide each of us to and through new seasons and new purposes for His glory!

    • 5-4-2015

      Ava, what a gift to have connected to you and your work. So grateful God brought us together. Thank you for your tireless commitment. God continues to bless your worl. Big hugs.

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