Evelyn Davison / Profiles in Purpose
by Deb DeArmond
“What would you like for your birthday?” Van asked Evelyn, as she neared the celebration of her 60th year. “Well, I’ve always wanted a newspaper,” she replied. And so began the career as publisher for Evelyn Davison.
She is now in her 18th year at the helm of the Good News Journal, a bi-monthly publication with a circulation of sixty thousand in the greater Austin, TX area. But this is not her first job, nor is it her ONLY current job. Evelyn is the Founder & Director of LoveTalk broadcast on the Word 99.3 & 98.5 FM. On air for 28 years, Evelyn discusses biblical principles for living what she calls, The Love Life. Additionally, she currently serves as a Certified Personality Trainer and inspirational speaker associated with CLASS (Christian Leaders, Authors & Speakers Seminars) for 28 years.
And that is where I met Evelyn – in San Antonio, TX where she was part of the CLASS Seminar staff in the course I attended this past July. I was taken by her energy, her passion for her work – and amazed that much of this began around her 50th birthday. Among Evelyn’s other “titles:”
• America’s Honorary Prayer Coordinator
• Central Texas Coordinator for National Day of Prayer
• Sponsor, Gathering Texas
So who is Evelyn Davison, and how does she keep up this pace at 78?
Evelyn came to the Lord at age 13. She has both a speech impediment (a stutter) and aphasia, which impacts the brain’s ability to call on information stored there at the moment that it is needed. A treasured teacher told her one day, “You have a disability – but it does not have to have you.” Evelyn went to the teacher’s church at her suggestion and heard for the first time, “You don’t have to be perfect for God to love you.” She came immediately to a decision for Christ, and by 15 was teaching Sunday school. “I always have had a heavy burden to share the gospel,” she told me.
Evelyn and her husband, Van, were active in ministry for many years as they raised their two sons. Prayer ministry, women’s ministry, teaching English as a second language to professionals such as doctors – part of a “Friendship” ministry. Her ministry just grew a bit at a time. No grand plan (at least not one she dreamed up!). “Just listen to the spirit of the Lord and go when He says, move.”
Six weeks out from her 50th birthday and recovering from a double mastectomy found Evelyn again working in ministry, at a women’s conference. She sat outside at lunch, on an old quilt in the shade, and asked God, “What are you going to do with the rest of my life, Lord?” Not long after her inquiry, a group of women stopped by to chat, and she told them about her conversation with the Lord. “Why would you ask Him that?” one asked. She was unknown to Evelyn at the time. Evelyn explained her recent surgery and the group visited with her awhile. “Come walk with me” this new friend said. Evelyn explained that she had responsibilities she needed to attend to. “Then come see me afterwards at the book table,” the woman suggested.
By the time Evelyn was free at the conclusion of the day, the woman was gone. But the meeting was not accidental. The woman she met was Florence Littauer, author and speaker, best known perhaps for her work in personality assessment in the Christian arena. You can read more about Florence and her work here: http://www.christianbook.com/html/authors/1483.html The two women became friends and Evelyn worked with Florence to create the CLASS Seminar program, in which she is still very active.
Her work in prayer ministry in the state capitol area eventually led to an invitation from President George W. Bush to serve as the coordinator for the National Day of Prayer in Washington, DC. She continues to serve as the Central Texas Coordinator for National Day of Prayer.
When so many of us run out of steam and seem lost after our children are grown and gone, Evelyn just seems to keep on running. I asked her if she gets questions about when she will slow down, take it easy and retire. “All the time,” she laughed. “Just recently my adult granddaughter was asked by her pastor if she knew when I planned to retire. “Yes, sir,” she replied. “Never.” And that’s Evelyn’s plan. “There’s work to be done. So many people who need to be loved and need the love of Jesus in their lives.”
I so enjoyed meeting and visiting with this remarkable woman. I was so blessed to spend time with her and honored to call her friend. She is genuinely a role model for so many of us who are 25 years younger and slowing down, wrapping up our thoughts of taking on something new. I don’t believe Evelyn ever has or will ever stop reaching out and reaching up. She is a lifelong learner and has more energy than most people I’ve ever met. She shared a prayer that she speaks daily: “Lord thank you for this day. It is a gift. Help me see it as such and give me the strength to walk fully in it. I give it back to you and I will do it to the very best of my ability. Amen.”
And when Evelyn speaks, things happen.
You can contact Evelyn and learn more about her ministry at: http://www.goodnews98@aol.com and
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