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Monthly Humor Column by Kathy Carlton Willis—

Time Out!

“Mister, I need to GO,” whined Jimmy as he tugged on the ref’s pant-leg.

“Okay, go tell your coach to call a time out for your team,” said the referee.

“No, Mister, I need to go NOW!” pleaded Jimmy. What could the ref do, but send Jimmy to the restroom, while calling a time out. They were only second grade, don’t you know!

There are times when we all need to take a time out. Sometimes, it is a gradual building up of pressure that screams we need a break. Other times, it’s an urgent warning that we need to stop everything right NOW and take a time out!

A story is told of a man and woman who challenged each other to split wood for eight hours, and at the end of the time, see who had the largest woodpile. Every hour the woman took a break. The man went nonstop, thinking the extra time would amount to a larger woodpile. To him, it meant easy victory. At eight hours, there was only one obvious winner. The woman’s woodpile was much larger. The man asked, “How can this be? I worked the entire time, while you took a break every hour.” The woman responded, “I used that time to sharpen the ax!”

We each need to take time to sharpen our proverbial axes. What should we do, when we take a break from our everyday busyness? First, think of the word break spelled as B-R-A-K-E. Stop what you are doing; put the brakes on. When we slow down, we create an inner quietness, which allows us to hear God’s still small voice more clearly. Through Him we find the peace we can’t seem to find anywhere else. We relax, allowing our physical and emotional wellbeing to rejuvenate and reenergize. As one commercial so aptly put it, “Calgon take me away!”

The Bible sets up a time for spiritual renewal. In the Old Testament that time was called the Sabbath. Many New Testament Christians set aside time for the Lord the first day of the week. Unfortunately, because of our busy workweeks, Sunday becomes the only day to complete chores and errands, and it is no longer a day of rest. It’s the catch-all catch-up day.

Are you feeling an urgent need to leave the playing field of Life for a break? Simply ask for a time out. It’s not just for ballgames or errant children. It can be yours today!

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” – Exodus 33:14 (ESV)





Kathy Carlton Willis: Kathy writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith—whimsy and wisdom. Not many funny girls also have Bible degrees! As a pastor’s wife, she has plenty of material for her new Grin with Kathy column at MPN. She has four books coming out in the next couple of years: Speaker to SpeakerGrin with GraceGrin with Joy, and Grin with Peace. She’s affiliated with several Christian writer and speaker organizations and serves as a consultant for others in the publishing industry. Kathy anticipates great things for her 50s (despite the menopause monster), and is pursuing God’s goals with gusto as she dives in to this glorious decade. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence: Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Learn more about Kathy at: www.kathycarltonwillis.com/


  1. 3-3-2014

    YES! Time for a B-R-A-K-E. Thanks for the reminder Kathy.

  2. 3-3-2014

    I did just that…called a time out and spent 24 hours in the presence of God and fellowship with 25 other women of all ages and backgrounds. So refreshing.

    Kathy sometimes we just need permission to stop what we’re doing. Great reminder.

    • 3-3-2014

      Karen, so glad you had that wonderful refreshing and fellowship with God and gals. Perfect combination!

  3. 3-3-2014

    Excellent, Kathy…

  4. 3-3-2014

    My “word” for 2014 is REST!

    -Relax you’re not in control
    -Enjoy the moments He gives you
    -Sleep more, your body needs it
    -Trust His will, His way, and His timing

    Taking a B-R-A-K-E is a must in my current journey. I LOVE this blog concept, I’ll be a frequent visitor Kathy!

    • 3-4-2014

      Linda, your acronym for REST is perfect! I’ve been having some “enforced R.E.S.T. “brake’s” lately! Glad you like the humor column and the MPN blog!

  5. 3-3-2014

    I. Need. A. Break! Brakes seem a title worn thin on this crazy ride of mine! Thanks for the encouragement and the grin!

    • 3-3-2014

      You need to take a brake-break before you break in two! I agree! Take care of Deb. She’s pretty special.

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