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By Ava Pennington—

In traveling through life, what signs do you seek for direction? Some start their day with their horoscope, aligning their day with the alignment of the stars. Others pursue supernatural signs to guide their decisions.

As a new year begins, I plan on following traffic signs for direction, but not in the way you might think. For example:

One Way

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I am starting my year with a restored relationship with my heavenly Father. There’s no other way.


The Bible tells us to submit to God (James 4:7) and to each other (Ephesians 5:21). I have to confess, this is a tough one for me. It’s easier for me to submit to God than it is for me to submit to some people. This is one I’ll be working on this year.


Stop signs prevent us from blindly entering dangerous situations. There are numerous stop signs in the Bible that warn us of attitudes and behavior we should avoid. I need to pay attention to those stop signs. Ignoring them will land me in trouble, grieve the Holy Spirit who dwells within me, and damage my witness to others.

Keep Right

James wrote, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22). This one can be a huge “Ouch!” for me. It can be so much easier to quote the Bible than to actually obey it. I need to be vigilant this year to ensure my actions match my words.

U-turn Allowed

I wish it weren’t so, but there will be times in this new year when I will make wrong choices. When that happens, I need to remember God’s solution: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9 NIV).

God has promised to direct us. It’s just a matter of following His signs.

What signs will you be following in 2014?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”  (Proverbs 3:5-6).





© 2010 Martin Alan Grivjack PhotographyMartin Alan Grivjack PhotographyAva Pennington is a writer, Bible teacher, and speaker. Her newest book, Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional, is endorsed by Precepts founder Kay Arthur. Additionally, Ava is co-author of Faith Basics for Kids. The first two books in the series are Do You Love Me More? and Will I See You Today? She has also written numerous articles for magazines such as Today’s Christian Woman, Power for Living, and Called.

In addition to her writing, Ava also teaches a weekly, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class of 175+ women. She is a passionate speaker and teacher, and delights in challenging audiences with the truth of God’s word in relevant, enjoyable presentations. Ava and Russ have been married for 35 years and live in southeast Florida.

For more information, visit her at www.AvaWrites.com


  1. 1-10-2014

    Great directions and easy to follow.

  2. 1-10-2014

    Thank you, Karen. Now if I could be consistent in following these directions!

  3. 1-10-2014

    Thanks for your creative good word. I pray that we will think of these good reminders when we drive and see traffic signs.

    • 1-12-2014

      Thank you, Elaine. We need those daily reminders, don’t we?!

  4. 1-12-2014

    Great message , and I saw the keep right and this reminded me of driving and I smiled saying “yes God ” as where I am we drive on the left – amazing I said too how Gods Ways are so different to ours. I love how we can also do a U turn at any time its needed. Ava this really blessed me today reading what you shared here.

    • 1-12-2014

      Thank you, Maxine. I’m also glad U-turns are available to us! 🙂

  5. 1-12-2014

    The directions are great. Sadly the hardness comes from my hard head, not from difficult directions.

    • 1-12-2014

      Joanna – you’re not alone. So glad God is faithful, gracious, and forgiving!

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