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By Peggy Still—
There is a long list of heroes of the faith that has grown through the ages. It seems an impossible task to actually form such a list. Surely the list would include some of my favorite Biblical and contemporary heroes like Billy Graham, Elisabeth Elliott, Corrie Ten Boom, Mother Theresa, Peter Marshall and so many more. The book of Hebrews speaks of those “who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, gained what was promised, who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength, and who became powerful in battle” (11:33-34, NIV). Wow, that’s quite a list of accomplishments.
Did you know that we can attain such power? Impossible you say. What did the heroes of the faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 have that we don’t? The author is clear: unfailing faith, endurance and the ability to throw off anything that hinders their ability to finish the race are the characteristics of those who expect great things.
William Carey was what one would call an ordinary man born into a working-class family in the 18th century. While making his living as a shoemaker he read books on theology and absorbed stories of heroes of the faith working as missionaries. He became burdened for the people of India. Stepping out on faith, he went to India as a missionary and soon discovered they had no Bibles. Much to his surprise he quickly learned Indian dialects into which he translated the Word of God. His passion was soon expressed in his words: “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”
Who are we to limit what God can accomplish through us? With unfailing faith and through God’s power living in us we can expect great things as we attempt great things.
I love this Peggy. I am ready to test God’s limits (oh wait, He doesn’t have limits). Though I am 60 I believe the best is yet to come!