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By Peggy Still—

The Easter candy has all been eaten, the decorations are tucked away until next year, and I was finally able to get the last of the egg dye off my hands. The only physical remnant of the holiday left is the stubborn plastic grass that keeps showing up regardless of how many times I vacuum. But is Easter really just seasonal? Are we to celebrate for a day or a week, only to quickly move on in preparation for the next holiday? My friend, Kathy Carlton Willis, reminded me that, “It’s not a one-time thing…not so much Easter day as it is Easter living.”  If we are to experience the mercy of Easter daily, what would that look like?

Paul demonstrates, in Romans chapter 5, that an authentic Easter experience is one in which we meet the risen Christ personally. God took the first step by sending His son Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins, granting the gift of mercy. Mercy is the very essence of the love that sent Jesus to redeem the world. When the world was helplessly bound by sin, God spanned the gulf between himself and His people by making the ultimate sacrifice in order to reconcile Himself to us.

Paul states three simple facts in this passage, that no one is righteous and we all need God’s help;

God has provided that help in the form of His son, making peace with us; and therefore God no longer condemns those who are in Christ.

So back to the question how we live daily in the victory of Easter Sunday. Here are seven ways to measure our progress:

  • Repentance leads to a changed heart;
  • Regeneration to a changed mind;
  • Conversion to a changed life;
  • Justification to a changed standing with God;
  • Relationship to a new nature;
  • Sanctification to changed service;
  • Surrender to a new attitude.

Our constant experience of the rejuvenating power of the resurrection and the infilling of His Spirit make possible the power for authentic Easter living.





Peggy2Peggy is embarking on a new career in mid-life. A featured speaker for women’s groups and retreats, she is the author of hundred of devotionals and articles in a variety of areas of interest to women. Married to Mark for 36 years, they have one daughter and raised two foster children. Peggy and Mark make their home in southern California.



  1. 4-9-2015

    Thanks Peggy for bringing Easter living into clear focus.

  2. 4-10-2015

    What a surprise to see my name and quote mentioned. Thank you for seeing the significance of that aha! moment. These are great thoughts. Sharing. Thanks Peggy.

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