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By Jayme Hull—
Have you ever accidentally left your cell phone setting on airplane mode or vibrate and wondered why someone wasn’t returning your call? How frustrating. Another disappointing time of missed communication.
I wonder if we Christians sometimes miss the Lord’s messages because, in a way, we are set on airplane mode or vibrate and He can’t get in touch with us.
Is it possible that we aren’t able to hear the things that God wants us to hear, because our hearts and minds are too busy with others activities and priorities? Are we living a disconnected life from God?
How refreshing to know in January 2014 we can start things out correctly by studying God’s Word and memorizing Bible verses to stay in touch with God. God speaks to us through His Word. I want to encourage you with one simple plan to memorize one new verse for each month of the year. I know you may be thinking, I can’t do this. Fight the negative thoughts in the battlefield of your mind. Don’t be distracted or discouraged by the devil.
This month I am planning on memorizing Jeremiah 29:11-12 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you.”
Let’s break this down and use it for encouragement this month.
- God knows the plan
- God’s plans are specific for me
- God has my best interest at heart
- God has no intentions to harm me
- I have God therefore I have hope
- My future is planned by God
- I pray to no one else but God
- God is available to me 24/7
- God will listen to my prayers as I seek Him with all of my heart
To help me memorize this verse I will read the entire chapter plus the chapter before and after it, to understand the context. Then I’ll write the verse on a few index cards and post them in prominent places at home and work. You can post the cards by your sink in the house, at your computer, on the dashboard of your car or in your wallet. I selected two verses for January but you can choose to memorize just one if you prefer. As you read the Scriptures and memorize them, you will begin to think differently and act upon the words you’re learning.
Some people have attended church since childhood and memorized Scriptures all of their lives. If that is where you are then why not go the extra mile and be stretched to grow with the Lord in this New Year. I want to encourage you to step out and take the challenge to memorize an entire book of the Bible. Join me and memorize the book of Philippians for encouragement to have joy in all circumstances for this New Year.
Start wherever you are and GROW from there.
I totally stand on the truth in God’s Word in Isaiah 55:11(AMP) “So shall My word by that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Whether you are memorizing one verse or an entire book of the Bible let’s live a life that is full to overflowing with understanding, peace and hope as we spend time in the Word of God for 2014.
What a wonderful choice of scripture to start the New Year! These have been my “Life Verses” since late 1987. I have to also add verse 13 to my “memory bank”: “You will seek Me and find Me WHEN you seek Me with ALL your heart.” (emphasis=mine). Thank you, Jayme, for sharing your heart and wisdom.