Hi friends…..

We know that we are hearing from women around the globe, and inquiring minds want to know….. Where are you located? Take a minute for a quick reply. We would like to create a map to see how the Lord is connecting our hearts around the world.


  1. 7-8-2011

    Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

    • 11-10-2011

      Sunland, California

  2. 7-8-2011

    I am so pleased to know about this wonder site thru my cousin Melody. Already blessed in the first few minutes of reading. Looking forward to encouraging and being encouraged.

    • 7-8-2011

      Welcome Cari! Where do you live? We are trying to map our community.

  3. 7-8-2011

    Antananarivo, Madagascar (ann tah nah nah ree voo)

  4. 7-8-2011

    North Richland Hills, TX

  5. 7-8-2011

    Grapevine, Tx

    • 7-15-2011

      hello from keller

  6. 7-8-2011

    Keller, TX

    • 7-15-2011

      I’m in keller too

  7. 7-8-2011

    Bedford, TX

  8. 7-8-2011

    Fort Worth, TX.

    • 7-9-2011

      Hey girl! Glad you stopped by. Hope you will do it again – soon and often!

  9. 7-9-2011

    Kathmandu, Nepal Pioneering a new church

    • 7-9-2011

      Yo! So glad to hear from you. I’m hoping you will join us often. I’d love for you to share what life is like as a 50+ missionary serving on the other side of the planet. Especially since I know this is still a relatively young work and you BEGAN it as a 50+er.

    • 7-20-2011

      What a joy to hear about your endeavor. My parents are retired missionaries and have spent some time in Nepal. Will be interesting to watch your posts. We are currently living in Grand Prairie, TX.

  10. 7-10-2011

    La Habra, California

  11. 7-11-2011

    Yucapia, California

  12. 7-11-2011

    Grapevine, TX

  13. 7-15-2011

    Grapevine, TX

    • 7-15-2011

      Welcome Barbara. Hope you come back often.

  14. 7-15-2011

    looks like a lot of “good ole girls” in dfw area

  15. 11-3-2011

    Sierra Madre, CA

  16. 1-17-2013

    Springfield, Georgia

    • 1-17-2013

      Welcome, Linda! Hope you come back to visit with us as part of our community often!

  17. 2-27-2013

    Bethlehem, NC
    I am always amazed at how God works. I have been praying about the High School Sunday School class my husband and I teach. (Well, he really does all the teaching.) I was looking for something fun, different, etc to use in Sunday School. This is such a hard task because they (the students) have such an enormous amount of high tech stimulus in their daily lives. They have music, movies, internet, etc. at their disposal almost 24 hours a day. So here is what God did:
    I prayed.
    He said make them feel special.
    He led me to a booklet, “Make Their Day! 101 simple to supreme affirmations for teens”. I “found” the long forgotten booklet while gathering items for a yard sale.
    #2 in the booklet is “Wacky Holidays” suggesting to honor a student on their birthday by celebrating a strange or obscure celebration that happens on the same date.
    God said celebrate with the whole class once a week or maybe have a monthly focus.
    I “googled” Wacky Holidays
    I discovered that March and/or April is Holy Humor Month
    I “googled” Holy Humor Month
    God showed me “April is Holy Humor Month” written by Deborah DeArmond
    So here I am.
    I know this is more than you asked for but, I knew I had to share.

    • 2-27-2013

      Rebecca – that is the long way around! I’m certainly glad you found us and let us know you stopped by! If you’re looking for more wacky holidays, try http://www.brownielocks.com – there is a big list there. Hope you will visit again!

  18. 1-6-2014

    Plymouth, MA. Born in MN, lived in FL, GA, NJ, PA, FL, and now MA.

  19. 11-9-2014

    Currently live in Arvada, Colorado near Denver. I travel each week on business and appreciate the resources I found online here. Thanks.

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